
Scientific Research Journal of Biology and Life Science

Journal information

  • Journal Name : Scientific Research Journal of Biology and Life Science
  • Subject : Biology & Life Science
  • Publishing body : International Scientific Research and Development Organization
  • Starting Year : 2023
  • Publishing Frequency : Two issues per year
  • Language : English
  • Publication Format : Online

How to Publish Paper

Prepared Manuscript

Prepare your manuscript according to your chosen journal’s requirements.

Submit Manuscript

Submit your article when you feel it’s ready to go.

Peer Review Process

External reviewers will evaluate your manuscript and provide you with their feedback.


If the manuscript is formally accepted / rejected / revision after peer review. you will receive a formal Notification.

Submit Required Document

Submit your payment, copyright and proof of reading confirmation

Publish online

The issue containing your article is now available online.

Submit Your Paper

To give your manuscript the best chance of publication, follow these policies and formatting guidelines.

Submit Your Article

Eligibility for becoming a member of Editorial Board

  • At least 5 research papers publish Highly Reputed Journal
  • At least 5 / 10 years of experience
  • Master/Ph.D. degree in the relevant subject
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