Data-Driven Healthcare: Exploring Biomedical Text Mining Through NLP Models

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Data-Driven Healthcare: Exploring Biomedical Text Mining Through NLP Models


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136 96
  • Volume : 2 Issue : 2 2024
  • Page Number : 47-67
  • Publication : ISRDO

Published Manuscript


Data-Driven Healthcare: Exploring Biomedical Text Mining Through NLP Models


1. Md Ariful Islam sabbir, Student, Shanghai University Of Engineering Science, China


    In recent years, the expanding volume of biological literature, clinical notes, and electronic health records (EHRs) has presented both a barrier and an opportunity for healthcare improvement. Biological text mining, which employs natural language processing (NLP) methods, is a viable alternative for extracting useful insights from unstructured biological data. This paper analyzes the relevance of NLP models in facilitating data-driven healthcare, with an emphasis on basic tasks such as named entity recognition (NER), relationship extraction (RE), and text classification. We show how domain-specific NLP models such as BioBERT, SciBERT, and ClinicalBERT have been built to cope with the intrinsic complexity of biological language, such as confusing terminology, acronyms, and technical jargon.Biomedical text mining has various healthcare applications, including drug discovery and reuse, clinical decision support, and pharmacovigilance. NLP models allow more informed decision-making, boost patient outcomes, and speed up personalized medicine research by automating the extraction of relevant patterns from large-scale biological texts. This paper also highlights the key challenges faced in biomedical text mining, such as data heterogeneity, imbalanced datasets, and the demand for explainable AI. Finally, we address future techniques for biological text mining that incorporate the integration of multimodal data, enhanced semantic understanding, and improved model interpretability. Finally, this research illustrates how NLP-driven text mining may turn unstructured data into relevant information in the healthcare industry.


Natural Language Processing (NLP) Biological Text Mining Named Entity Recognition (NER) BioBERT Clinical Decision Support Drug Discovery Explainable AI Natural Language Processing (NLP) Biological Text Mining Named Entity Recognition (NER) BioBERT Clinical Decision Support Drug Discovery Explainable AI


Biomedical text mining, enabled by powerful NLP models, is changing the healthcare business by translating large volumes of unstructured biomedical text into actionable information. Through tasks such as Named Entity Recognition (NER), Relation Extraction (RE), and Text Classification, NLP models like BioBERT, SciBERT, and ClinicalBERT have demonstrated exceptional potential in extracting relevant information from clinical notes, research articles, and electronic health records (EHRs). These innovations have made major contributions to drug discovery, clinical decision support (CDS), and pharmacovigilance, leading to better healthcare outcomes and more tailored patient care. The integration of these models into real-world healthcare applications has allowed for quicker, more efficient data processing, propelling the rise of data-driven healthcare.

Author Contrubution

MD ARIFUL ISLAM SABBIR- all section prepared


no funding

Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest Statement I, the author of this manuscript, declare that there are no conflicts of interest that could influence the research work presented in this paper. The study was conducted impartially, and the results were not affected by any financial, personal, or professional relationships that could be perceived as conflicts of interest. Potential Conflicts of Interest: The author confirm that there are no financial interests, such as funding, consultancy, ownership of stock or shares, or other forms of economic gain, that could affect the research outcomes. The authors also declare that there are no personal relationships with organizations or individuals that could have influenced the research. Additionally, no institutional relationships or commitments affect the integrity and objectivity of this work. Funding Disclosure: The author hasnot received financial support for this research and did not influence the study design, data collection, analysis, or interpretation of the findings. The sponsors did not interfere with the publication of the results. Intellectual Property: The research presented in this manuscript does not have any undisclosed intellectual property interests, such as patents or commercialization potential, which might present a conflict. Ethical Compliance: This research was carried out following the ethical standards of the relevant institutional and national guidelines, with no ethical violations that could cause a conflict of interest. All necessary approvals have been obtained from ethical committees where applicable. The authors take full responsibility for the content of this paper, and all views expressed are our own and not influenced by third parties. Acknowledgements: I have disclosed all sources of support for this research in the acknowledgments section of the paper. Any collaborations or assistance received in the preparation of this manuscript have also been properly acknowledged. Signed by the authors: [MD ARIFUL ISLAM SABBIR, Shanghai University Of Engineering Science] [Date- 10 OCT,2024]

Data Sharing Statement

This research was carried out following the ethical standards of the relevant institutional and national guidelines, with no ethical violations that could cause a conflict of interest. All necessary approvals have been obtained from ethical committees where applicable.

The authors take full responsibility for the content of this paper, and all views expressed are our own and not influenced by third parties.

Software And Tools Use


Acknowledgements: I have disclosed all sources of support for this research in the acknowledgments section of the paper. Any collaborations or assistance received in the preparation of this manuscript have also been properly acknowledged. Signed by the authors: [MD ARIFUL ISLAM SABBIR, Shanghai University Of Engineering Science] [Date- 10 OCT,2024]

Corresponding Author

Md Ariful Islam sabbir

Shanghai University Of Engineering Science, Student, China


Copyright: ©2025 Corresponding Author. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

sabbir, Md Ariful Islam. “Data-Driven Healthcare: Exploring Biomedical Text Mining Through NLP Models.” Scientific Research Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 2, no. 2, 2025, pp. 47-67,

sabbir, M. (2025). Data-Driven Healthcare: Exploring Biomedical Text Mining Through NLP Models. Scientific Research Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2(2), 47-67.

sabbir Md Ariful Islam, Data-Driven Healthcare: Exploring Biomedical Text Mining Through NLP Models, Scientific Research Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology 2, no. 2(2025): 47-67,


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  • Flesch Reading Ease : 18.55
  • Smog Index : 16.1
  • Flesch Kincaid Grade : 15.3
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  • Automated Readability Index : 18.3
  • Dale Chall Readability Score : 7.67
  • Difficult Words : 1032
  • Linsear Write Formula : 20.75
  • Gunning Fog : 10.83
  • Text Standard : 15th and 16th grade

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