Evaluating the Safety of Kidney Transplants from HIV-Positive Donors: Insights, Challenges, and Future Directions

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Evaluating the Safety of Kidney Transplants from HIV-Positive Donors: Insights, Challenges, and Future Directions

Subject: Nephrology

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120 94
  • Volume : 2 Issue : 2 2024
  • Page Number : 15-20
  • Publication : ISRDO

Published Manuscript


Evaluating the Safety of Kidney Transplants from HIV-Positive Donors: Insights, Challenges, and Future Directions


1. Dinesh Waghmare, Student, ZORAM MEDICAL COLLEGE, Government of Mizoram, India


The best way to treat end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and increase survival and quality of life is with a kidney transplant. Concerns regarding viral transmission and graft survival led to the long-standing policy of not transplanting organs from donors who tested positive for HIV. Antiretroviral treatment (ART) developments have necessitated a new assessment of this position. New studies on the safety and results of organ transplants from HIV-positive donors to HIV-positive recipients were encouraged by the HIV Organ Policy Equity (HOPE) Act of 2013, which legalised the practice in the United States. In this study, we take a look at the safety of kidney transplantation from donors who are HIV +. We cover the present data, the dangers, the possible advantages, and the problems in this field of transplantation.


Kidney transplantation HIV-positive donors HIV transmission Antiretroviral therapy (ART) Transplant outcomes HIV Organ Policy Equity (HOPE) Act ESRD Organ donation Immunosuppression Graft survival


Kidney transplantation from HIV-positive donors represents a promising option for addressing the organ shortage and providing life-saving treatment to HIV-positive patients with ESRD. The HOPE Act has paved the way for clinical research demonstrating such transplants' safety and efficacy. However, challenges remain in managing drug interactions, infection risk, and ethical concerns. With careful patient selection, ART management, and continued research, kidney transplantation from HIV-positive donors could become a standard of care for HIV-positive patients, significantly improving their quality of life and survival.

Author Contrubution

The sole responsibility for the study design, data gathering, results analysis, and manuscript drafting lies with the author.


This research, including authorship and publication, did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or non-profit sectors.

Conflict of Interest

All authors confirm that there are no conflicts of interest associated with this research.

Data Sharing Statement

Not applicable.

Software And Tools Use

Not applicable.


I appreciate the support and expertise of everyone who contributed to this research and manuscript writing, as well as the insightful comments from anonymous reviewers.

Corresponding Author

Dinesh Waghmare

ZORAM MEDICAL COLLEGE, Government of Mizoram, Student, India


Copyright: ©2025 Corresponding Author. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Waghmare, Dinesh. “Evaluating the Safety of Kidney Transplants from HIV-Positive Donors: Insights, Challenges, and Future Directions.” Scientific Research Journal of Medical and Health Science, vol. 2, no. 2, 2024, pp. 15-20, https://isrdo.org/journal/SRJMH/currentissue/evaluating-the-safety-of-kidney-transplants-from-hiv-positive-donors-insights-challenges-and-future-directions

Waghmare, D. (2024). Evaluating the Safety of Kidney Transplants from HIV-Positive Donors: Insights, Challenges, and Future Directions. Scientific Research Journal of Medical and Health Science, 2(2), 15-20. https://isrdo.org/journal/SRJMH/currentissue/evaluating-the-safety-of-kidney-transplants-from-hiv-positive-donors-insights-challenges-and-future-directions

Waghmare Dinesh, Evaluating the Safety of Kidney Transplants from HIV-Positive Donors: Insights, Challenges, and Future Directions, Scientific Research Journal of Medical and Health Science 2, no. 2(2024): 15-20, https://isrdo.org/journal/SRJMH/currentissue/evaluating-the-safety-of-kidney-transplants-from-hiv-positive-donors-insights-challenges-and-future-directions


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  • Flesch Reading Ease : 34.15
  • Smog Index : 14.6
  • Flesch Kincaid Grade : 13.5
  • Coleman Liau Index : 16.82
  • Automated Readability Index : 17.5
  • Dale Chall Readability Score : 9.39
  • Difficult Words : 295
  • Linsear Write Formula : 18.5
  • Gunning Fog : 11.82
  • Text Standard : 11th and 12th grade

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