To put it simply, astronomy is the study of the material cosmos that extends beyond the Earth's atmosphere. As a consequence, the subject of astronomy encompasses all that is outside of human experience. While technological advancements in telescopes, satellites, and space flight have enabled humanity to see beyond our planet's atmosphere, our knowledge of the universe as a whole is still limited. Humans' limited ability to see and explore space means that there is more that we don't know about the universe than there is that we do know for sure. Theoretical and mathematical predictions of these consequences are a large part of astrophysics and related fields. Molecular biology and mathematics are intertwined in astronomy as an interdisciplinary field. The subject's theoretical character and inclination to question human ideals implies that disagreeable conclusions are formed more frequently than not.
Papers about astronomy, especially for students who aren't familiar with the subject, may be complex and scary. If you're not a major in astronomy, there are alternative ways to learn about astronomical themes. For example, students majoring in history might study the history of astronomy by looking at themes like "Early Astronomers: Ptolemy, Aristotle, Copernicus, and Galileo." Astronomy-related topics like "Ray Bradbury and Arthur C. Clarke's Representations of Space Travel in Science Fiction" might be chosen by literature students. An interdisciplinary approach may be used to each of these cases. It may be preferable for students of astrophysics or astronomy to focus on particular phenomena like dark matter or wormholes.
First, students should decide the lens through which they will investigate the issue, and then students should have realistic expectations of the depth to which a topic may be examined within the scope of the project size chosen, while picking a topic. For example, a 100-page dissertation would have much more content than the three-page summary of the same subject matter. The following is a list of possible research topics in the field of astronomy. A student's investigation of an astronomy-related subject doesn't have to end here; there are many more options available. Any of the subjects mentioned below may be completed by the team, or you can use this list as a springboard for coming up with your own unique research questions.