Eco-Enriched Soils: Ash-Boosted Fertilizer Sparks Microbial Powerhouse for Phosphorus Mobilization in Perennial Ryegrass Root Zones

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Eco-Enriched Soils: Ash-Boosted Fertilizer Sparks Microbial Powerhouse for Phosphorus Mobilization in Perennial Ryegrass Root Zones


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91 80
  • Volume : 2 Issue : 2 2024
  • Page Number : 26-29
  • Publication : ISRDO

Published Manuscript


Eco-Enriched Soils: Ash-Boosted Fertilizer Sparks Microbial Powerhouse for Phosphorus Mobilization in Perennial Ryegrass Root Zones


1. Ninad Thaker, Student, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland


While phosphorus (P) is essential for plant development, it is not always bioavailable in soils. Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) root zone phosphorus mobilization is studied in this research as a function of ash-boosted fertilizers. Ash is an environmentally favourable soil amendment, and this research looks at how it drives microbial activity, leading to phosphorus solubilization and absorption. According to the results, increased soil microbial biomass boosted phosphate availability and enriched the root zone. If we want to improve the efficiency of agricultural soils consuming phosphorus, this new method provides a sustainable option.


Phosphorus mobilization Ash-boosted fertilizer Biomass ash Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) Soil microbial activity Phosphatase enzymes Phosphorus solubilization Sustainable agriculture Eco-friendly fertilizers Soil nutrient management.


A sustainable and environmentally acceptable answer to the problem of phosphorus deficiencies in agricultural soils is represented by ash-boosted fertilizers. According to the findings of this research, there is a possibility that the utilization of biomass ash might result in the formation of a microbial powerhouse inside the root zones of perennial ryegrass, therefore considerably boosting the mobilization and absorption of phosphorus. For future studies, it is important to investigate the long-term impacts of ash amendments on soil health and phosphorus cycling in various crop systems.

Author Contrubution

All study-related tasks, from conception and design to data analysis and manuscript creation, were solely managed by the author.


The research, authorship, and publication of this article were not funded by any specific grants from public, commercial, or non-profit agencies.

Conflict of Interest

All authors declare the absence of any conflicts of interest.

Data Sharing Statement

The study does not include any data sharing components.


Software And Tools Use

No specific software or tools were used in the research.


I extend my gratitude to everyone who contributed their expertise to this study and manuscript, and to the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments.

Corresponding Author

Ninad Thaker

University College Dublin, Dublin, Student, Ireland


Copyright: ©2025 Corresponding Author. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Thaker, Ninad. “Eco-Enriched Soils: Ash-Boosted Fertilizer Sparks Microbial Powerhouse for Phosphorus Mobilization in Perennial Ryegrass Root Zones.” Scientific Research Journal of Environment, Earth and Physical Science, vol. 2, no. 2, 2024, pp. 26-29,

Thaker, N. (2024). Eco-Enriched Soils: Ash-Boosted Fertilizer Sparks Microbial Powerhouse for Phosphorus Mobilization in Perennial Ryegrass Root Zones. Scientific Research Journal of Environment, Earth and Physical Science, 2(2), 26-29.

Thaker Ninad, Eco-Enriched Soils: Ash-Boosted Fertilizer Sparks Microbial Powerhouse for Phosphorus Mobilization in Perennial Ryegrass Root Zones, Scientific Research Journal of Environment, Earth and Physical Science 2, no. 2(2024): 26-29,


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  • Flesch Reading Ease : 36.69
  • Smog Index : 15.5
  • Flesch Kincaid Grade : 12.5
  • Coleman Liau Index : 16.76
  • Automated Readability Index : 16.5
  • Dale Chall Readability Score : 9.5
  • Difficult Words : 246
  • Linsear Write Formula : 19.25
  • Gunning Fog : 11.45
  • Text Standard : 16th and 17th grade

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