Global warming throughout the world: Is it knocking by now?

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Global warming throughout the world: Is it knocking by now?


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2103 917
  • Volume : 1 Issue : 1 2023
  • Page Number : 23-26
  • Publication : ISRDO

Published Manuscript


Global warming throughout the world: Is it knocking by now?


1. Aditya Gokhle, Postdoctoral Researcher, College Of Renewable energy And Environmental Engineering, Dantiwada, Gujarat, India


The topic of climate change has recently gained international attention. Everyone from government officials to scientists to weather forecasters to the average citizen is concerned about the deterioration of the environment and increasing scarcity of resources. But the issue remains: Is the alteration of the planet's climate a current paradigm, or just another speculative extrapolation? If it has already begun to affect our earth, do we laypeople know enough to stop it? Or are we just choosing to ignore or downplay the events around us? In an effort to demonstrate the fact of global warming, this article will compile a number of recent examples. This paper's overarching goal is to get across the message that it is now time to tackle climate change by analysing the many obstacles nations face.    


warming climate global change atmospheric meteorologists


It's reasonable to say that the ill consequences of climate disruption have arrived at our doorstep. When discussing pollution throughout India, it is essential to include all of the many types of pollution that exist rather than only addressing air pollution. Taking into account all carbon dioxide and all industries that contribute to pollution is essential when formulating strategies to reduce pollution. People should keep in mind the billions of other creatures that also call Earth home, and the importance of safeguarding the planet so that future generations may enjoy it in peace. Land, industry, agriculture, power, and transportation policies all need to be revised, and widespread engagement at the grassroots level is essential for this.

Author Contrubution

The author confirms sole responsibility for the following: study conception and design, data collection, analysis and interpretation of results, and manuscript preparation.


The authors did not receive any specific grants from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or non-profit sectors for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

Conflict of Interest

All authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

Data Sharing Statement

Not applicable

Software And Tools Use

Not applicable


I thank the following individuals for their expertise and assistance in all aspects of our study and for their help in writing the manuscript. I am also grateful for the insightful comments given by anonymous peer reviewers. Everyone's generosity and expertise have improved this study in myriad ways and saved me from many errors.

Corresponding Author

Aditya Gokhle

College Of Renewable energy And Environmental Engineering, Dantiwada, Gujarat, Postdoctoral Researcher, India


Copyright: ©2025 Corresponding Author. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Gokhle, Aditya. “Global warming throughout the world: Is it knocking by now?.” Scientific Research Journal of Environment, Earth and Physical Science, vol. 1, no. 1, 2022, pp. 23-26,

Gokhle, A. (2022). Global warming throughout the world: Is it knocking by now?. Scientific Research Journal of Environment, Earth and Physical Science, 1(1), 23-26.

Gokhle Aditya, Global warming throughout the world: Is it knocking by now?, Scientific Research Journal of Environment, Earth and Physical Science 1, no. 1(2022): 23-26,


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Text Statistics

  • Flesch Reading Ease : 43.22
  • Smog Index : 13.7
  • Flesch Kincaid Grade : 12.1
  • Coleman Liau Index : 14.1
  • Automated Readability Index : 14.7
  • Dale Chall Readability Score : 9.54
  • Difficult Words : 385
  • Linsear Write Formula : 12.5
  • Gunning Fog : 12.6
  • Text Standard : 12th and 13th grade

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