Research topic on Aquaculture

Research topic on Aquaculture

Research topic on Aquaculture

  • immune
  • salmon
  • kingfish
  • immunization
  • bacterial
  • hydrophila
Research topic on Aquaculture
  • A very effective bath immunization vaccine containing bacterial nanocellulose and loaded with MSRV G protein has been developed.
  • DHA-supplied high n-3 canola oil increases harvest-size Atlantic salmon's yield of better-quality fillets
  • Two essential oils have been shown to be effective stress relievers when transporting Colossoma macropomum.
  • Antibodies against the red-spotted grouper neurological necrosis virus have been developed and characterised.
  • A green alga called Scenedesmus quadricauda alters the immune system and the illness resistance of fingerling Nile tilapia.
  • Repeated bathing treatments of yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi with hydrogen peroxide concentration and water temperature
  • Results of successful reproduction and child raising.
  • red drum genome-wide variance in a stock-enhancement programme influenced by environmental factors
  • Enhancement of anti-tilapia lake virus immunity by mannose-functionalized biomimetic nanovaccines
  • In Colossoma macropomum, we developed a chromosome-level linkage map to anchor genome-wide association studies for resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila.
  • Selection for development in subsequent generations of Iwagaki oyster Crassostrea nippona nippona responds.