Artistic Innovation and Influence: Exploring Creativity and Imitation in New Kingdom Egyptian Tomb Art


Artistic Innovation and Influence: Exploring Creativity and Imitation in New Kingdom Egyptian Tomb Art


1. Farid Mostafa, Cairo University, Giza, Student, Egypt
2. Ahmed Elbaz, Cairo University, Giza, Professor, Egypt


New Kingdom tomb art (ca. 1550–1070 BCE) in ancient Egypt represents a pinnacle of artistic achievement, blending creativity, religious symbolism, and craftsmanship. This paper explores the artistic innovation and influence evident in tomb art of the period, focusing on the balance between creative expression and adherence to traditional forms. We examine the role of artistic conventions, innovation, and external influences on tomb decoration by analysing select examples from royal and non-royal tombs. By studying iconography, stylistic features, and symbolic representations, we highlight how New Kingdom tomb art reflected broader social, religious, and political changes while maintaining continuity with earlier traditions.


New Kingdom tomb art ancient Egypt artistic innovation imitation creativity religious symbolism funerary practices iconography stylistic features


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New Kingdom tomb art represents a fascinating blend of innovation and imitation, reflecting the time's dynamic cultural, religious, and political environment. While artists remained faithful to traditional forms and conventions, they also introduced new elements of style, technique, and iconography, pushing the boundaries of creativity within the constraints of religious and cultural expectations. The result is a rich and varied artistic tradition that captivates modern audiences. By examining the interplay between creativity and imitation in New Kingdom tomb art, we gain a deeper understanding of the creative achievements of ancient Egypt and how art functioned as both a reflection and a driver of cultural change.


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Author Contribution

The author handled all aspects of the study, including its design, data collection, analysis, and manuscript preparation.


This work did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or non-profit sectors for its research, authorship, or publication.

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Conflict of Interest

There are no conflicts of interest to report from any of the authors.


I acknowledge the support and expertise of those who helped with this research and manuscript, and thank the peer reviewers for their valuable insights.

Data availability

Data sharing is not relevant to this study.