@Article{M-10098, AUTHOR = {Sharma, Krupali}, TITLE = {Increase in the Periodic Distribution of GI Trchochiles in Goats and Sheep in the Anand District of Gujarat, India}, JOURNAL = {Scientific Research Journal of Biology and Life Science}, VOLUME = {2}, YEAR = {2024}, NUMBER = {1}, ARTICLE-NUMBER = {M-10098}, URL = {https://isrdo.org/journal/SRJBL/currentissue/increase-in-the-periodic-distribution-of-gi-trchochiles-in-goats-and-sheep-in-the-anand-district-of-gujarat-india-1}, ISSN = {2584-0606}, ABSTRACT = {Tropical and subtropical cattle are especially vulnerable to gastrointestinal parasites, such as Trichuris species, which significantly impact animal well-being and output. The incidence of Trichuris diseases in goats and sheep in the Anand area of Gujarat, India, is examined in this research. According to data gathered over a year, Trichuris infections are most common in sheep (33.8%) and goats (33.7%) during rainy and post-monsoon seasons. These variables were studied to understand the influence of factors, including weather, husbandry methods, and host traits, on infection rates. To reduce the negative impact of these parasites on cattle health and production, the research highlights the need for targeted deworming programs and better management techniques during times of high prevalence.}, DOI = {} }