TY - M-10006 AU - Reddy, Pushpesh TI - Present-Day Dalit Repositioning in Rural Bihar's Social Hierarchy T2 - Scientific Research Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science PY - 2023 VL - 1 IS - 1 SN - 2584-0622 AB - The modernization-induced uptick in Dalits' awareness of their own existence, their sense of self-identity, and the difficulty of adjusting to other groups is only one of three primary identity-related variables that have emerged as a result of the influence of new socio-economic pressures. A society's level of safety relies on its level of social progress and the warmth of its relationships within it. Questions of fairness include how some people are prevented from sharing in the advantages of economic growth while others are given an unfair share. The path of rural Bihar's social dynamics was set by these interconnected problems. Significant progress has been made in the state of Bihar during the last several decades, and social cohesion and the prevalence of untouchability have both improved. Several key measures of human development in the state have shown steady improvement in recent years. Growth has not been equitably distributed across all segments of society. As a group, Dalits are far less developed than the general population. The state government of Bihar formed the Mahadalit commission and launched a slew of training initiatives to help its citizens acquire the necessary job skills to reach this objective. This work has the potential to shake up established societal norms. The primary focus of this research has been on the Dalit and non-Dalit relationships in Bihar, as well as the dynamics within the Dalit community itself. The data for the empirical research was gathered through planned interviews with both primary and secondary sources. important conclusions were drawn from the research, such as the fact that untouchability has not been entirely eradicated from society but has been significantly decreased. KW - Untouchability KW - Dalit KW - Development KW - Caste KW - Bihar DO -